Buildings are now a must for the cities, there are buildings everywhere. Decorating these structures that we live with architectural lighting, will have an exciting effect in the night. Facade lighting, which is a way of architectural lighting, gives the cities an impressive look.
Modern buildings are not only requiring for functional light. It also needs architectural light. Architectural details are highlighted with the light. buildings are becoming interesting structures. Facade lighting in commercial buildings is used as a tool that reflects the corporate identity of the company.
Whether it is a modern or historic building, every building can have a facade lighting in accordance with its intended use. The key point in here is the light color to be used. Multicolor applications can be made in modern buildings. However, in historical buildings, the use of white and yellow lights in combination with the shadow would be a good choice.
Floodlights, wallwashers, linear lights, recessed lights, wall lights and pixel applications are used in facade lighting. The quantity, location and specifications of the lighting units to be used are determined by the designer. For example, if wallwasher is to be used in the project, the light beam angle (lens) of this light source is chosen according to the height and width of the surface.
Before the application, it is very important to perform simulations in a computer environment. A combination of DIALux and Photoshop programs is used for computer simulation of facade lighting applications. The light distribution on the surface of the selected light fixture can be measured by DIALux. This distribution is colored and transferred to the image of the building via Photoshop.
Lighting control systems such as DMX are used for front lighting for the realization of controls such as color change, turning on/off and show animations. DMX is a protocol that allows users to have full control over the lighting system. DMX system is used in most of the buildings.