Sometimes we take the path of florists to celebrate a beautiful day, and sometimes to end the resentment, and to get a heart. Flowers are a good tool to show our love. Lighting is also a good tool to show flowers in the best way.
Choosing between colorful flowers is often difficult. Every color has its own meaning. Color in flowers is such an important issue. It is obvious that it is important to see these colors close to the real colors in the florist. At this point, the need for lighting is clearly apparent.
CRI, which is, color rendering index, represents how close the objects are to their true colors in the light. The closer this number is to 100, the closer the objects under light appear to their true colors. If light fixtures with a low CRI value are used, customers may experience color-sensing problems and this may affect purchasing decisions.
It is recommended to use lighting fixtures with CRI value of 90 and above in florist shops.
Incandescent lamps with a color temperature of 2700K which mimics natural light best. However, some studies and user experiences show that the use of 6500K, in other words, in cold-white light, can be useful in such areas.
Light level can be changed depending on the concept, just like in all other stores. This change ranges from 300 lux to 1000 lux. At this point, it is necessary to work according to the project.
Traditional lighting can cause the ambient temperature to rise in the summer months at the florist shops. This will affect the life of the flowers. It will be useful to use LED lighting that eliminates heat problem in florist shops.
Written by Emre Yılmaz – Aydınlatma Portalı, Asya Traffic Inc.