Every living organism needs energy to grow. Human beings take the energy from foods. Plants, on the other hand, get energy from light in a process called photosynthesis. Without light, green plants would not exist in our lives.
Lights start the growth loop of plants and supports plants development. Plants could not growth, propagate and find sufficient oxygen to support the life without natural or artificial light.
There are three basic needs for plants to live. Light, water, and carbon dioxide. Plants uses water and carbon dioxide to produce food. Plants turns carbon dioxide, soil nutrients and water into organic compounds by using the energy from sunlight or artificial light sources. This process, which forms the basis of plant life, is called photosynthesis.
White light contains various light color like red, blue, green, and yellow. Plants absorbs or reflect some colors to do photosynthesis. Blue light is important for the first stage of plant growth. Red light on the other hand is necessary for bloom stage.
Natural sunlight is the best way for plant growth. Sunlight provides the true balance of blue and red light that plant needs. This balance is particularly important for growing and blooming of a plant.
Artificial light sources also work similarly to sunlight. Fluorescent, incandescent, metal halide, high pressure sodium and LED lamps are artificial light sources used to support plant growth. Artificial light sources make it possible to control the growth of plants and produce faster.
and quantity of the light are not same for all plats. Some plants may need only couple of hours of light a day, some of them needs 8 or more hours of light a day.
Plants deprived of light tend to grow upwards, seeking light. This is the survival mechanism of plants. If the plants do not get enough light; leaves turn yellow, shrink and stems become weak. Plants that do not get enough light eventually lose their color and die. Exposure of plants to too much light can also negatively affect plant growth.
Light is only one of the factors affecting plant growth. Climate, weather, altitude, weather, and pest control also affect plant growth and production.