LED Signaling Poles which is widely use in Turkey faced with heavy criticism in energy consumption, light pollution and traffic safety when used in a project abroad. Are LED signalling poles really dangerous for traffic safety? Will these products be collected by warning of General Directorate of Highways?
Signaling modules which used in traffic signalization should be in conformity with EN 12368 standards. This standard classifies the signaling modules according to visual, structural and environmental performances and describes the properties of the relevant tests.
There is no standard including definitions in this context for signaling poles with LEDs which are becoming widespread nowadays. Also there is no standard for the installation of signaling poles with LEDs.
The main purposes of the signalization systems are maintain the order in traffic. Are signalization systems inviting accidents when the LEDs installed on signaling poles?
In a study made in 2006, Turkey was one of the 50 most polluted countries in light pollution research. Turkey was %58 above the world average in terms of light pollution. We all love lights. However we are not aware of the damages of much light.
Blinding glare defined as when an intensive light comes into the eye may cause difficulty in seeing and choosing objects even if this light source is removed. Other levels of this situation are disability glare and discomfort glare.
LED signaling poles that are currently produced and used does not have any standard for light distribution. So, manufacturers may produce products with different light beam angle, with different brightness level. When public enterprises purchases signaling poles with LEDs inspections are made on according to TSEK-Criteria Certificate of Conformity instead of EN 12368.
According to General Directorate of Highways all the materials that used in signalization systems must be in comply with national and/or international standards. General Directorate of Highways detect that although it does not comply with any of the standards described by TSE, products such as Signaling Poles with LEDs are used in the market. General Directorate of Highways gives warnings to regional directorates for the signaling intersections, especially transferred to the municipalities by protocol, to identify and remove the materials and work that do not conform to the standards.
The application we have seen in Turkey took place in Ukraine last year and subjected to severe criticism. While many of the critics are talking about energy consumption, light pollution and traffic safety, some commentators are also concerned about the difficulty of color-blind drivers.
“The only issue I could really see is a decent increase in light pollution and a higher amount of energy needed to run it…” – swiftraid
“Great, more light pollution!” – Deagballs
“I’m curious if these still work well for colorblind people. I get that the normal light is still there so you could look at which position is lit up, but I wonder if the other light drowns it out at all.” – serial_crusher
“All these traffic light redesign ideas look awesome until you realize that a sizable chunk of population has some form of color blindness.” – apolotary
“This reminds me of the episode of The Simpsons when Homer becomes the trash commissioner and spends the annual budget in one month.” Bu – mnemoniker
“That seems really distracting actually. Cool looking. But distracting.” – CulDeSax
“Cool, but traffic lights are designed so that the appropriately colored light is only visible by its intended traffic goers. With so much light on these, and their wider viewing angle this could be confusing for drivers coming from other directions, for which the light was not intended. “- aerodeck
“It probably uses much energy now as the incandescent lamps that the LED’s replaced in the first place.” – skyfishgoo
does anyone know who the manufacturer or supplier is