Bicycle path lighting is sometimes neglected because people thought that bicycles are used in daylight. If the bicycle is an alternative to motor vehicles, using the bicycle at night should also be considered. Bike path lighting should be designed well in the first step of designing bicycle routes.
When sufficient lighting conditions provided, bikers can follow the road better, can see easily the pedestrians or other bikers who are in front or behind the biker. Also, bikers can realize the dangers instantly. In addition to that, providing a good lighting in bicycle roads will help the bikers feel safer during riding bike.
Generally, 5 lux light level is sufficient on bicycle roads. However, in some situations, 10 lux light level can be demanded.
On the velodromes, 300 lux light level is recommended for training and general activities, 600 lux light level is recommended for bicycle races. In these areas, emergency lighting equipments should be used which can provide 150 lux light level in order to continue to ride safely in case of blackouts.
Street lighting fixtures, floodlights, bollard lights can be used to light the bicycle roads and velodromes.
Controlling the brightness of the light according to the intensity of the bicycle roads will help to save energy. For example, while 10% brightness can be provided consistently as safe level lighting, the brightness can be increased to 100% when a bicycle or a pedestrian approaches.
Written by Emre Yılmaz – Aydınlatma Portalı, Asya Traffic Inc.