Wrongly lightened and dark indoor parkings can be very scarry for drivers and pedestrians. We can create safer parking areas if we maintain sufficient lighting conditions. Therefore people feel safe and safer driving is provided.
Generally, 250-300 lux light level is sufficient at the entrance and the exit sections of the indoor parkings. At the other sections, 75 lux light level is sufficient.
Although it is indoor lighting, it is required minimum IP65 protection class for lighting fixtures which are used in indoor parkings. Because there is a high potential of moisture and dust at the indoor parkings.
LED waterproof lighting fixtures and lineer LED lighting fixtures are used in indoor parkings. Using LED lighting fixtures in the indoor parkings will save energy and reduce manageent and maintenance costs.
Installing LED lighting system in the indoor parkings will raise the energy saving up to 80% levels when equipped with smart lighting technology. Therefore the return of investment will be shortened.
In case of blackout, lighting fixtures equipped with an emergency lighting kit or an emergency lighting kit should be used to keep the light levels within safe limits.