Lighting in outdoor parking provide drivers easily to park their vehicles, make it easy to find their vehicles when they return and make them feel safe.
10-20 lux light level is sufficient for outdoor parkings. However especially in shopping malls parkings 30 lux light level is demanded. LED floodlights, LED street lights can be used in order to achieve this light levels.
In small outdoor parkings, lighting is usually provided by light poles placed around the outdoor parkings. However, this practice leads to dark spots in the middle areas in large parking areas. Because of this, in the large outdoor parkings, light poles are also placed in the center of the parking area.
High power LED floodlights make it easier to provide homogeneous lighting in large outdoor parkings when positioned on top of high light poles. Therefore number of lighting poles can be reduced and the necessary lighting conditions can be achieved at a lower cost.
Low glare value of lighting fixtures to be used in these areas is an important factor for visual comfort.
Energy saving can be achieved by dimming the lights when there is no one in the outdoor parking area with the help of control systems and sensors.