DALI stands for Digital Addressable Lighting Interface. DALI is digital technology that provides two-way data communication for lighting systems. DALI is a common automation system, especially in commercial buildings.
Through the DALI standard, systems that produced by different manufacturers such as ballasts, drivers, control units, luminaires, emergency lighting fixtures can be managed by a single control system.
The international standard for DALI technology is IEC 62386. It is published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Standards in English can be purchased from the IEC website and downloaded online.
In DALI system, a message is sent from the center just like in a computer network. These messages are received by each unit via addresses.
In DALI system, the data line is made with a standard 1,5 mm2 diameter binary cable. Polarity doesn’t matter. DALI power and data are carried over the same pair of cables. Cabling up to 300 meters can be done in a subnet. Maximum of 64 devices can be controlled on a subnet. With the help of hub/router/gateway, DALI subnets can be created to use more than 64 devices.
DALI is a licensed trademark and a membership system has been introduced for the use of the DALI logo. Products must be tested in order to use DALI logo or must obtain the test equipment and carry out the tests by yourselves.
If you use a LED driver in a lighting fixture that compatible with DALI, that luminaire can now operate without any problem with the DALI system. DALI can perform commands such as open, close, and dimming received by data.
DALI offers a lighting system that, cost-effective, simple, energy efficient and compatible with future technologies. It is easy to install and flexible. Saves time and resources. Easy to maintain control and monitoring systems. Gives priority to user comfort.