Food production is a business that needs to be taken very seriously. The lighting in the plants where the food production is made must also be made very carefully. A lighting failure in the production plant can be very costly by interrupting the production. Moreover, it can lead to a problem that threatens the health of people.
Light fixtures to be used in food production plants should be safe, energy efficient and long life. In addition, it must meet the safety standards for food production, be resistant to water, dust, and moisture.
It is also very important that the luminaires have a solid structure, and the durability of the shocks is very important. If the parts belong to the luminaire or the broken glass fall into the foods and if this is not noticed, it may lead serious health problems.
Generally, 600-700 lux of light level is required throughout the food production plant. Different lighting fixtures are needed in different parts of the production plants. 1200 lux light level is sufficient where the foods are controlled visually, 800 lux in packing department, 800 lux in maintenance and repair department, 500 lux in administrative offices, 400 lux in dressing rooms, 300 lux in material store light level is sufficient.
High-bay and low-bay lights, waterproof light fixtures, linear industrial lights and LED panels are used in food production plants to reach these light levels.