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How to Light a Dining Room
Dining rooms or dining tables are one of the important areas of the house where all members of the family...
How to Light a Kitchen
Kitchens are one of the most important areas of the house where delicious meals are made, eaten, the dishes are...
Roundabout Lighting
Roundabout is a kind of circular intersection that regulates traffic circulation, slows down all traffic with a suitable geometric shape,...
Facade Lighting
Buildings are now a must for the cities, there are buildings everywhere. Decorating these structures that we live with architectural...
Football Field Lighting
Ameteur football matches are usually made in the evening. Football matches are both fun and a good physical activity in...
How to Install a Chandelier
It is difficult to choose a chandelier from hundreds of options. When this challenging phase is complete, another challenge awaits...
What is Zhaga?
Zhaga is a worldwide consortium aiming to standardize the LED modules used in LED lighting fixtures. Zhaga’s main goal is...
What is DALI?
DALI stands for Digital Addressable Lighting Interface. DALI is digital technology that provides two-way data communication for lighting systems. Through...
How to Light an Elevator Cab
Elevators are necessary for high buildings. We don't spend much time in elevators during the day. However, lighting of these...
Quick Guide to Aquarium Lighting
Aquarium lighting is not done to watch fish with pleasure. Aquarium lighting plays a much larger role than this. Lighting...
How to Properly Light Your Office
Lighting is an important element in the office. Lighting in offices has a direct impact on employee performance. Moreover, they...
What is Light Beam Angle?
Light beam angle is an angular expression that shows how light emitted from a light source. Light sources can be...
Florist Shop Lighting
Sometimes we take the path of florists to celebrate a beautiful day, and sometimes to end the resentment, and to...
How to Light a Warehouse
Good lighting in warehouses makes the shipment faster. It makes it easy to distinguish the products in the warehouse and...
What Does ‘Made in PRC’ Mean?
LED bulbs are becoming widespread and use in our home is increasing today. You can see "Made in PRC" label...
Lighting Guide for Jewelry Stores
Lighting in jewelry stores is used as a marketing tool to display products and to influence customers' purchasing decisions. When...
What is NEMA Socket?
NEMA socket provides an electrical and mechanical connection between the control cell and the luminaire. ANSI C136 coded standard clearly defines...
Salon Lighting
Minimum 500 lux light level is recommended for salons. However, in some applications, 300 lux light levels are sufficient according...