It was as bright as the sun and as bright as the daylight. These are the sentences we hear frequently after lighting applications. LED lighting applications really create bright environments at high light levels. Is it really as bright as the day?
I will try to summarize the situation as simple as possible without going into too much technical detail. The examples I will give are practical information about what levels of light are under different circumstances.
The light level (illuminance) on a surface is measured in the lux unit. it can be said, the higher lux, the more light you get.
Let’s talk about daylight first. In direct sunlight areas, 30.000-130,000 lux light levels are reached. In areas that do not receive direct sunlight, 10,000-30,000 lux light levels can be obtained during daytime. It is necessary to reach this level at night if we want to talk about as bright as the sun.
Everyone knows how bright the lights are in television studios or football stadiums. These areas are illuminated in high levels. Even in such an environment, there are about 1,000 lux light levels. This is equivalent to the brightness level on a cloudy day.
Even 1,000 lux for outdoor applications represents a very high light level. This is preferred only in special applications. In short, it is impossible to achieve high light levels, as bright as the sun.
According to the information above, the phrase “It was like daylight” does not reflect the truth.
Written by Emre Yılmaz – Aydınlatma Portalı, Asya Traffic Inc.